Épitaphe du Monument

Épitaphe du Monument

Models: Tau XV88 Broadside Battlesuit 
Camera: Canon Eos 70D
Lens: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 STM & EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro

Eons ago, in an age where machines were worshipped as saviors from otherwordly invaders. Humans lived in fear, vastly insuperable to the conquests of other civilisations of aliens and beasts. In that time, humans were contacted by a peaceful clan of space travelers. Moving from planet to planet, solar system to solar system, in an attempt to harvest and trade resources for their intergalactic conquest.

The humans lived along with the alien race, who protected them from an unseen enemy in an age of fear. To appease the god-like race in a feat of gratitude, humans built statues of the alien’s huge battle machines across the planet. But much like in the way humans invade to take what is not theirs, were their robot saviours intentions good to begin with? Until the planet’s vital resources were no longer needed, nor the humans…

An empty planet of meaningless, rusted monuments. Who’s only epitaph is a reminder of their slavery.